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How To Join Amazon Associate For Beginners

 What Is Amazon Associate? 
Amazon Associate by ultimatefacttech

The Amazon Associate Is an affiliate program which you can join and start earnings. It is one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. Millions of products available on Amazon where you can promote this products to sell and start earning. Only you need to sign up in Amazon Associate. 

Benefits & Features

  1. Best benefit is when you share your affiliate links then if any one click on the link and purchase any products from Amazon with in 24 hours. Then you get commission. For example: If you shared link of smartphone of Rs:9999, If anyone purchase Rs:20000 Smartphone through your link with in 24 hours then also you get commission. This is the best feature to become an affiliate marketer in Amazon.
  2. You can make a widget which you can link to your Blog or website.
  3. Write about the products in your blog or website and paste affiliate link when a visitor impressed then they will click on the link and they purchase, then you get commission.

How Does it works? 
Earn with Amazon

When you sign up or sign in then it will create a unique I'd for you. When you share affiliate links of Amazon products, in that link your Affiliate I'd also coded with the link. It means when any visitors click your link and redirect to Amazon, then Amazon finds that the customer is visited from this link. So, if visitors purchase your product then Amazon easily know that it is redirected from this unique I'd and you get commission. This is the process of Amazon Associate Affiliate Program.

How To sign up in Amazon Associate? 
Amazon Associate benefits
Simple Steps

Firstly you have to sign up in
If you are doing with Smartphone then open in desktop site.
  1. Open Amazon and click on 'create a new Amazon account'
  2. Enter your name, email address and create new password. And click on 'create your Amazon account'
  3. Verify your email
After successfully created Amazon account
  1. Go to Amazon Associate by searching on Google
  2. Then Click on sign up button 
  3. You need to fill some information about you.
  4. Enter your name in first blank
  5. Enter your address line 1 Which is in number form
  6. Select your City, and state.
  7. Enter your postal code If you don't know then search on google by street name.
  8. Select your country and enter your mobile number.
  9. Select 'the payee listed above'
  10. If you're from USA then click on yes, if not then click on no. Click on Next.
Second Page
  1. If you have any website or blog then give URL of your website.
  2. If you not have then enter your Facebook profile link.
  3. Then Click on Next.
Third Page
  1.  Enter your store I'd. example:jai1987, ram2468.
  2. Enter your website info.
  3. Fill all the options by choosing your choice
  4. Fill the captcha and agree the terms and click on 'finish'.
Finish you became an affiliate marketer of Amazon. Now you have to enter details about your bank and show your identity proofs by clicking on 'Enter your payment and tax information' You do later also by clicking later option. It is important because to withdraw payment when you get commission.
Now you can share the links and start earnings. Now see how to get links and share.

How To Get links Of Amazon Products?

  1. Select your product and click on text, located in left side top. Then you get link you can choose if you want the link with images. Then click on images. Select and copy the link.
  2. Share the links on different social media platforms
  3. When anyone purchase any products through your link with in 24 hours. Then you get commission.
Now see, how much percentage we get when we sell products of Amazon.
There are different categories in Amazon and different percentages. 
You can read the advertisement fees schedule of Amazon Associate by this process
  1. Click on help
  2. Select"advertisement fees schedule"
Read the advertisement fees schedule to know how much Amazon Associate gives commission.

Thanks for reading..

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