The solar system
The sun and the celestial bodies which evolve around it form the solar system. It consists of large number of bodies such as planets, comets, asteroids and meteors. The gravitational attraction between the sun and these objects keeps them revolving around it.
Their are eight planets revolve around the sun. The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Let us learn about planets of the solar system.
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The Solar system |
The Sun
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The 🌞 Sun |
The sun is the nearest star to us. It is continuously emitting huge amounts of heat and light. The sun is the source of almost all energy on the Earth. In fact, the sun is the main source of heat and light for all planets of our solar system.
Let learn about the planets
The planets
The planets look like stars, but they do not have light of their own. They merely reflect the sunlight that falls on them.
A planets has a definite path in which it revolve around the sun. This path is called an orbit. The time taken by a planet to complete one revolution is called it's period of revolution. The time taken by a planet to complete one rotation is called it's period of rotation. Some planets are known to have moons/satellites revolving around them is called Natural satellites. There are many man-made satellites revolving around the earth. These are called artificial satellites.
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Mercury |
The planet Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun, orbiting at an average distance of about 58 million kilometers. Because Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it moves faster than any other planet, travelling at an average speed of nearly 48 kilometers per second and completing an orbit in just under 88 days. Mercury is very small (only 40% bigger than the moon of earth) and Rocky.
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Venus |
Venus is a rocky planet and the second planet from the sun. Venus spins slowly backwards as it orbits the sun, causing its rotational period to be the longest in the solar system, at about 243 Earth days. It is slightly smaller than Earth and probably has a similar internal Structure, consisting of a semi-solid metal core, surrounded by a rocky mantle and crust. Venus is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon because its clouds reflect sunlight strongly. The main component of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, which traps heat in a greenhouse effect far stronger than that on Earth. As a result, Venus is the hottest planet, with a maximum surface temperature of about 480°C. There are two large highland regions called Aphrodite Terra and Ishtar Terra.
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Earth |
The Earth is the third of the eight planets that orbit the sun. It is the largest and densest rocky planet, and the only one known to support life. About 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water, which is not found in liquid form on the surface of any other planet.
There are four main layers: the crust, the mantle, the outer core and inner core. The Earth has one natural satellite, the Moon, which is thought to have formed when a huge asteroid impacted Earth in the distant past.
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Mars |
Mars known as the red planet, is the fourth planet from the sun and the outermost rocky planet. In the 19th century, astronomers first observed what were thought to be signs of life on Mars. The Northern hemisphere of Mars has many large plains formed of solidified volcanic lava, whereas the southern hemisphere has many craters and large impact basins. There also several huge, extinct volcanoes🌋, including Olympus mons, which at 600 kilometers across and 25 kilometers high, is the largest known volcano in the solar system. Mars has two tiny, irregularly shaped moons called Phobos and Deimos. Their small size indicates that they may be asteroids that have been captured by the gravity of Mars.
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Jupiter |
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the innermost of the four giant planets. It is the largest and the most massive planet, with a diameter about 11 times that of the Earth and a mass about 2.5 times the combined mass of the seven other planets. The most prominent cloud features is a storm called the Great Red Spot, which consists of a spiralling column of clouds three times wider than the Earth that rises about eight kilometers above the upper cloud layer. Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system. It is so large that about 1300 Earth's can be placed inside this giant planet. Jupiter has 79 known natural satellite.
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Saturn |
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. It is a gas giant almost as big as Jupiter, with an equatorial diameter of about 120,500 kilometers. Saturn has the most natural satellites in the solar system. It consists 82 known Moons at present. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. The largest moon of Saturn is Titan. The Titan is second largest moon in the solar system.
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Uranus |
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and the third largest, with a diameter of about 51,000 kilometers. Uranus is unique amongst the planets in that it's axis of rotation lies close to it's orbital plane. As a result of its strongly tilted rotational axis, Uranus rolls on its side along its orbital path around the sun, whereas other planets spin more or less upright.
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Neptune |
Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun, at an average distance of about 4,500 million kilometers. Neptune is the smallest of the giant planets and is thought to consists of a small rocky core surrounded by a mixture of liquids and gases. Triton is the largest Neptunian moon and the coldest object in the solar system, with temperature of -240°C. Neptune has a thick ring.
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