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Be Positive Attitude| Benefits of positive attitude|

What is positive attitude and negative attitude? Why we should be positive attitude why not negative?
Think positive

Let's begin...
Attitude is defined as a person's tendency to respond positively or negatively to a certain idea,object, person or situation. It influences an individual's choice of action and his/her responses to various circumstances and issues.

Attitude hast two facets - positive and negative. While positive attitude is displaying the belief that good things will happen, negative attitude is being fearful, apprehensive and unsure of success in efforts.

Positive attitude is based on hope and belief that hard work is never gone wasted. Despite the difficulties that are looming large at that moment, an optimistic person always feels that something can be done to overcome the challenges. It is said that an optimist finds a way, while a pessimist finds an excuse. The difference between these two is the attitude of being hopeful or being without hope. A pessimist battle is half lost even before the start. The importance of positive thinking or attitude. A position attitude helps us to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It can improve our health,build and sustain relationships, increase our chances of success and also add years to our life. A positive attitude not only affects us and the way we look at the world but also affects our environment and the people around us. It is certainly a State of mind that is worth developing.

History is full of success stories that were possible only by perseverance and positive attitude.

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time".
                                        - Thomas Edison 
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