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Social Networking| Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking|

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Social Networks

Social networking is a good form of entertainment for meeting people with similar interests and can be useful for staying in touch with friends/acquaintances. It can be an effective promotional tool for business, entrepreneurs, writers, actors, musicians or artists.
    Social networking is a broad concept that includes all sorts of networking websites, from business to personal. People use this services to network with others, catch up with old friends, and share common interests. Users can update their statuses, create blogs, share photos, and interact in numerous other ways.
   social networking on the internet is popular with users of all age groups, but more so with youngsters in universities, high schools and colleges, as well as people in workplaces. It is a convenient way to get to know people who share same interests, opinions, likes and dislikes. The internet contains various social networking sites, and people only need to register at these websites to be part of a social network. After registering at a social networking site, they can create their own list of friends to interact and share views with them. They can also share their photos audio, or video files with others.
 Common social networking sites are:
  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Google+
  5. YouTube
  6. Instagram
  7. Pinterest
  8. Tumblr
  9. Snapchat
  10. Reddit
  11. Flickr


There are certain features of social networking which includes:
  • User-based: before social networks, websites were based on content that was updated by one user and read by Internet visitors. The flow of information was in a single direction, and the direction of future updates was determined by webmaster or writer. Online social networks, are built and directed by users themselves. Without users, network would be an empty space filled with empty forums, applications and chat rooms. Users populate the network with conversation and content. The direction of that content is determined by anyone who takes part in the discussion. This is what makes social networks so much more exciting and dynamic for internet users.
  • Interactive: Modern social networks is interactive which is not just a collection of chat rooms and forums anymore, but where websites like Facebook are filled with network based gaming applications for playing. These social networks are quickly becoming a pastime that more people are choosing over television because it is more than just entertainment, it's a way to connect and have fun with friends.
  • Relationships: Just like websites of past, social networks thrive on relationships. The more relationships that you have within  the network, more established you are toward the center of that network.

Advantages of Social Networking

  • Connect with friends/family - social networking always helps to stay connected with friends and family members.
  • Share photos and information - Helps in sharing information, content, image, file or photograph to friends/relatives anytime.
  • Find people with similar interests - It always feels good to talk with people who share interests and helps in finding certain groups or communities with people of similar interests.
  • Business promotion, branding and expansion - social networking helps in promoting and expanding of business. It helps in displaying products, brands, offer, etc through personal account and further promote business.
  • Boost ecommerce and online websites: Websites can really benefit a lot by using social networking sites in a correct way. Much of targeted users and traffic can be attracted with the help of these sites.
  • Express opinions - you can express your opinions and thoughts in any post/link posted by others.
  • Earning money - you can earn money by making videos on YouTube or any other videos platform and affiliate marketing, blogging etc.
  • Educate consumers - It helps in educating and connecting with the consumers which help in explaining your products/brand.

Disadvantages of Social Networking

  • Fake and incorrect information sharing - social networking sites can create panic when fake and wrong information is shared upon them. Some people might use these busy virtual platforms to create panic and tensions.
  • Innocent people fall easy prey of false schemes - Many times, the fake companies or people can attract some innocent or inexperienced users towards false schemes. Hence, social networking sites should be used carefully.
  • Lacks emotional connect - No matter, how happy and content we feel while using these sites, but the truth is that these social sites lack that emotional connect which we need in physical. Therefore, these sites lack the pleasure that we actually feel in meeting our friends and family.
  • Wastage of time, energy, and money - using too much of these sites invites wastage of time, energy and money. In the same time we can do some other works instead using social networking. Spending limited time on this sites is one thing and spending hours, is altogether a different thing!
  • Threats to privacy - It is suggested that members of various social networking sites should use these online platforms carefully. They should not share their personal information with anyone unless they are completely assured about the same.
  • Communication in real world - chatting and video conferencing takes place when the people communicate face to face.

Note: This is the information only.
We may not affecting to others!


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